Marc C. Fleischer, JD, CFP®, CKA®, AIF®

Marc C. Fleischer, JD, CFP®, CKA®, AIF®

Financial Planner

As a Certified Kingdom Advisor (CKA®), Marc has a passion to help people be good stewards of all the Lord has entrusted to them. He does this through faith-based financial planning and investment management.

Marc obtained an Associate of Arts from Hesston College and a Bachelor’s from the University of Mary. He received his Juris Doctor from Oklahoma City University School of Law. Along with his CKA® designation, he is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) and an Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®).

Marc and his wife, Jennifer, live in Oklahoma City with their children Calvin and Grace. Marc is an active participant and volunteer at Crossings Community Church and a board member of Recovering Oklahomans After Disaster (ROAD).  He enjoys playing golf and following the Oklahoma City Thunder and Minnesota Vikings.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions.